Scaling high-quality climate action through tech

From idea to solution: technology, expertise, and financial resources to prove impact and bring transparency to nature-based projects

Our vision is to regenerate nature and combat climate change by stopping deforestation and protecting biodiversity. Because when nature thrives, so do we

  • Calculating carbon stockings is a herculean task! It was time-consuming and expensive. With AirImpact, we  reduced the time spent on carbon calculations significantly, from 2 weeks to just a few mins, making our projects more efficient and cost-effective. It’s a game-changer for project developers, especially as it allows us to ‘play-around’ with species composition and see, quickly, how different tree mixes translate into different carbon stockings. AirImpact also vastly reduces human-made errors.

    Andrea Bianchi – Tropical Botanist, AirImpact
  • The utilization of the AirImpact platform has significantly contributed to the operational efficiency of our organization. The incorporation of the carbon calculator tool within the platform proved instrumental, effectively streamlining a month’s worth of meticulous work. The platform itself exhibits an intuitive design, facilitating seamless navigation for users. Our project page on the platform serves as a comprehensive repository, furnishing potential partners with essential information, including the total carbon estimates for our project and a detailed map delineating our project area. This strategic integration has not only enhanced the accessibility of pertinent project details but has also fortified our engagement with prospective collaborators.

    Kofi Debrah  – Co-founder & Partner, Oko Forest

Our mission is to enable tens of thousands of high-impact, nature-based projects to thrive. We offer technology, expertise, and financial resources to establish and scale projects, prove impact and bring end-to-end transparency


How is Airimpact 
helping you?

Running nature-based projects can be challenging, and we understand the struggles. At AirImpact, we're here to help.

Digital Platform

We have developed an all-in-one platform that makes project development smooth, cutting out the need for multiple tools by combining different tech solutions to meet the project needs.

Our Portfolio

A collection of high-potential projects, with AirImpact as a partner providing market representation and contributing with expertise.

All-in-one-solution for
managing nature-based
carbon projects.

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Digital Platform

We have put together the tools and technology into an all-in-one solution that solves the challenges that nature-based project developers face throughout their journey. Our Digital Platform offers simplification in project development and takes away your worries starting from the idea to execution to monitoring and reporting enabling you to concentrate on making a genuine difference.

Carbon calculator

Your math wizard. Know accurate, data-driven
 annual carbon impact.

Monitoring Tools

The eyes and ears of your project. Gathering data and insights that ensure everything is on track.

AI Advisor

Your project's smart companion.

Navigate the complexity of carbon project standards and methodologies.

Media & Publishing

Your project’s window to visibility to the market. You can share your project profile to buyers and investors and help them see your project page real time as you progress.


coming soon
Your financial Compass. Monitor payments and funding, plan your budget, and ensure your project's financial viability.
coming soon

Project Management

Your project clock. Have a timeline on every task. Keep an  eye on your targets, help with tracking project goals and getting to the goals.

Project Design

Your vision come to life. Through expertise, thoughtful project design and strategic planning.

AI Report Assistant

Your project's documentation is a breeze with access to AI generated documents anytime anyday.

Project Area

Your very own map where you geographically mark the area, and learn about the location at different times

Knowledge Base

Your own library where you can upload scientific studies, papers, laws etc  to help you with the project. Together with AI assistance, generate documents without having to read hundreds of pages!  Ask specific questions and let AI take care of the reading and finding answers for you.
coming soon

Project Assets

Your project's digital guardian. Digitally issued and verified using blockchain technology ensuring a secure process.


coming soon
Your go-to research tool. Get help with primary research, data collection to help you in early stages of project development and long term monitoring

Prove your impact

Our digital platform ensures maximum impact in climate action, community prosperity, and ecosystem preservation.

Carbon Removal

  • Standardized carbon 
removal calculation
  • Verified carbon asset balance
  • Satellite, Lidar and mobile area plot measurement

Ecosystem & biodiversity preservation

  • eDNA monitoring
  • Unattended sound recording based monitoring
  • Camera trap monitoring

Community Benefits

  • Community activity and involvement monitoring
  • Direct payments to communities

Financial Stability

  • Financial transparency and integrity
  • Milestone payments based on impact

By investing in nature-based 
solutions, we get nature on our side

Our Portfolio

We represent a collection of carefully screened high-quality, and high-impact nature based carbon removal projects. We actively support them throughout the project development cycle.
Among others, one of our portfolio projects is the Tropical Reforestation project in Nguru Mountains, Tanzania.
Request more info

We remain committed to making a permanent  impact with emphasis on Action, Impactand Transparency holding highest standards of quality and integrity


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​​The path ahead of us, to protect and restore nature and improve our resilience to climate change, is complex but promising. It is also full of opportunities. We invite you to be part of the solution, with nature

We invite you to be part of the solution, with nature

Whether you are a project developer, investor or a technology provider, our platform provides all-in-one tools you need to thrive.
Contact Us